
The $100 winner of the CWL’s 50/50 Draw was Loreen Dupuis (#49).


The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, May 11th, 6:30pm. Please use K of C entrance.


The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, November 10th, at 11am. Bring a brown bag lunch and please use K of C door.


The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, February 10th, 3pm, weather permitting. Please use K of C door.


The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, November 4th, 6:30pm. Please use K of C door.


The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, October 7th, 6:30pm. Please use K of C door.


The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, September 9th at 6:30pm. Please use K of C door.

Thank You

The St. Joachim’s CWL would like to thank everyone for their help and support with their Mother’s Day Draw. The winners were Bill Murphy and Marie Cormier.


The next CWL meeting will be held on Monday, May 13th, 6:30pm.

Basket Draw

The Saint Joachim’s CWL will be holding a Mother’s Day draw on two baskets. Tickets are $1 or 3 for $2 and are available before and after weekend Masses in the Foyer.

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