Religious Education

Religious Education

Classes are scheduled to begin on Sunday, September 25th. This year you can register your child via email at any time before classes begin. Please contact our Religious Education Coordinator, Natalie Ouellette ( and she will provide you with the details. You may also register your child on the first day of classes if you wish. Registration cost is $10/child.

Please note: Baptism certificates are required for all students registering this year, so parents are asked to contact the church that your child was baptized in to obtain a copy of your child’s certificate.

Religious Education Teachers Needed

We are in need of additional teachers this year. If you are able to volunteer your time, please call (696-2468 – leave a message) or email ( our Religious Education Coordinator, Natalie Ouellette.

Religious Education

Religious Education classes restart at Saint Joachim’s this weekend after a one-year absence. The return of Religious Education for our youth is very important to the life of our parish. We would like to thank our new coordinator, Natalie Ouellette, and all of the teachers and helpers who have agreed to give of their time each week working with the children of the parish. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank Mary Ellen Gallery for her efforts in organizing the return of the program to Saint Joachim’s this year.

Religious Education

Pre-registration for the Religious Education Program will be held next weekend, September 27th & 28th in the foyer after each Mass. Classes may not be starting for a month or two. However, we need to know how many students we are going to have so that we can order enough books as the Bishop has asked us to implement a new program this year. We have teachers for grades 1 – 4 and are looking for volunteers for grades 5, 6, and the Confirmation class. We need your help as a volunteer. This is your opportunity to give only one hour a week to assist in rebuilding the parish. If you can help, please call Mary Ellen Gallery (696-2385).

Religious Education Update

We still do not have enough teachers for most of the grades for our parish catechism program, so we are unable to offer a program for the children in our parish this year. Parents, as the primary educators of their children, and entrusted with the responsibility of passing on the faith to their children, are encouraged to teach their own children at home. To assist parents in teaching their own children, material from the “Faith and Life” series can be ordered through Ignatius Press. This is the absolute best catechism program, and far surpasses anything else available anywhere. This series can also be used by participating though an online format.

As well, parents may find the following websites helpful: Family Catechism; and Be My Disciples.

Religious Education Update

We will not know if there will be a Religious Education program at Saint Joachim’s this year until the last weekend of October. If the decision is made that there will not be classes this year, the parish will provide parents with information on where they can obtain religious education textbooks in order to teach their children at home.

Obviously, we would prefer to have classes at the church, but we still do not have enough teachers to make this happen. If you can spare one hour a week to assist with the education of the children of our parish, please contact Fr. Stephen (653-6842) as soon as possible.

Religious Education

We would like to thank the 2 adults and 5 teenagers who attended last Sunday’s Religious Education meeting to volunteer to help out with the program this year. It was especially inspiring have such wonderful interest from the young people. We want to thank all who attended for their generosity.

However, in order for the Religious Education program to begin this year we need many more teachers and helpers. If there is anyone else who is able to assist us with this important parish program, it would be greatly appreciated. If interested, please call Father Peter (653-6842) as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Father Peter

Religious Education Meeting

We need all those who are able to assist in this year’s Religious Education program (teachers, helpers, coordinators) to please attend a meeting on Sunday, September 29th, immediately following the 11am Mass in the parish hall.

Given the poor attendance of our last meeting, the turnout at this meeting will determine whether we have enough volunteers to offer classes to all grades this year.

We ask that all parents consider becoming involved with our Religious Education program in some way. It is difficult to expect other parishioners to volunteer their time teaching the children if parents are unwilling to assist even one hour per week.

Religious Education Meeting

All returning Religious Education teachers / helpers are asked to join us for a preparation meeting for this year’s program on Thursday, September 12th, at 7pm in the parish hall. Those who would like to assist us by becoming a teacher or helping for the coming year are also encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend, please contact either Fr. Stephen (653-6842) or the parish office (653-6852 or – we need to know how many teachers will be returning for this school year. We ask that all parents consider becoming involved with our Religious Education program at least one year during the time that their children are attending classes.


Congratulations to the 21 students from our Religious Education program who were confirmed by Bishop Robert Harris on Tuesday evening.

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